Thursday, July 23, 2009

ARRA Reporting Requirements

Use this forum to disucss tips for addressing the ARRA reporting requirements.


  1. In the "ARRA General Info/Questions" blog, OVCR said that there would be a meeting at the end of June regarding Reporting Guidelines. Did this take place? If so, are minutes posted, or possibly a guideline sheet? Thanks.

  2. Last week NIH posted Notice Number: NOT-OD-09-129 to remind ARRA recipients of the quarterly reporting requirement, announce the posting of a new NIH ARRA website specific to this requirement, and to provide NIH ARRA grantees with contact information for questions concerning quarterly reports.

    Full NIH announcement may also be found via the following URL:

    If you have any questions regarding ARRA reporting requirements, please contact the Grants and Contracts office at 312-996-3373.

  3. Our PI's want to know if the same rule applies to deadlines which fall on weekends. For instance, October 10, 2009, the first deadline, is a Saturday. The NIH push the deadline back to Monday the 12th? Thank you.

  4. Both OMB and NIH are currently silent on this. Because of the very specific reporting window (excerpt from OMB guide below), Office of Grants and Contracts will follow the conservative approach and submit the report on Friday 10/9 for the first quarterly report.

    The reporting window lasts from the 1st to the 10th of each reporting month. For the upcoming reporting period, this will be from October 1, 2009 to October 10, 2009. In addition, the 11th – 21st day of each reporting month is available for recipients to review the data submitted and make any necessary corrections. On day 22 of the reporting month, all data submitted will be “locked” and cannot be modified unless “unlocked” by the Federal awarding agency.

  5. How is UIC tracking and reporting the Jobs Created/Jobs Retained reporting requirement?

  6. From OBFS:

    Jobs created/retained should be tracked at the department level and submitted to Grants & Contracts prior to the reporting due dates. We are in the process of formatting templates to be used by departments to include this information and will identify a time in which the data should be submitted.

    Just for clarity, ‘jobs or positions created’ are considered new positions created and filled, or previously existing unfilled positions that are filled, as a result of Recovery Act funding. ‘Jobs or positions retained’ are considered previously existing filled positions that are retained as a result of Recovery Act funding. A job cannot be counted as both created and retained. Also, only compensated employment in the United States or outlying areas should be counted.

    We are in the process of developing a centralized portal similar to the one used by ORS for all ARRA post-award questions. We plan to send the research community details at the absolute latest, next Friday. In the meantime, please feel free to contact either Maureen Johnson , Joe Stefanich or myself with other questions.

  7. In the OMB Implementing Guidance, it states "The reporting organization can choose the most convenient method for reporting..." Does this leave it up to the institution to decide the method of submission, or will it be left at the department level? Thanks.

  8. This is an institutional decision, not departmental. The reports will be sent by central office. Details regarding reporting submission will be distributed within the next week by OBFS.
